Sökt på: Böcker av James Hosek
totalt 42 träffar

Effects of Bonuses on Active Component Reenlistment versus Prior Service Enlistment in the Selected Reserve

Workforce Downsizing and Restructuring in the Department of Defense

The Role of Special and Incentive Pays in Retaining Military Mental Health Care Providers
Officer special and incentive (S&I) pays are used to create incentives for officer retention to meet manning requirements. This report describes a methodology, based on RAND's …

Attracting the Best
This report focuses on the factors affecting the supply of information technology (IT) personnel to the active duty enlisted force, and the findings point to the conclusion that …

Toward Meaningful Military Compensation Reform
Analyzes many alternatives for reforming the military compensation system, focusing on retirement compensation, and reaches two concepts for reform. Both concepts retain positive …

A Wage Differential Approach to Managing Special and Incentive Pay

Army Enlistment Options Optimizer
The authors developed an Army Enlistment Options Optimizer approach that creates bundles of bonus and less costly non-bonus enlistment incentives. Survey respondents choose the …

A New Tool for Assessing Workforce Management Policies Over Time
This research extends the dynamic retention model to simulate the transition to the steady state, providing researchers with the ability to assess the effects of workforce …

Retirement Benefits and Teacher Retention
The authors develop and estimate a stochastic dynamic programming model to analyze the relationship between compensation, including retirement benefits, and retention over the …

Effects of the Blended Retirement System on United States Army Reserve Participation and Cost

Cash Incentives and Military Enlistment, Attrition, and Reenlistment
To determine whether enlistment and reenlistment bonuses are effective in maintaining or increasing the supply of personnel to the armed forces, the authors provide an empirical …

How Have Deployments During the War on Terrorism Affected Reenlistment?
This research sought to understand how recent deployments have affected reenlistment by examining trends in deployments and reenlistments, developing a theoretical model, and …