Søkt på: Bøker av Christian Albrekt Larsen
totalt 6 treff
Usikker modernitet - Danskernes værdier fra 1981 til 2017
Usikker Modernitet undersøger udviklingen i danskernes værdier over fire årtier og indfanger de historiske forandringer, som er foregået siden 1981. Danmark omtales ofte som et …
The Institutional Logic of Welfare Attitudes
Why are people who live in liberal welfare regimes reluctant to support welfare policy? And conversely, why are people who live in social democratic welfare regimes so keen to …
Rise and Fall of Social Cohesion
The book explores the ways in which social cohesion - measured as trust in unknown fellow citizens - can be established and undermined. It examines the US and UK, where social …
Den universelle velfærdsstat
En øget målretning af velfærdsstaten mod de svageste kan øge antallet af samspilsproblemer, fortæller 10 forskere i bogen her.Vi hører ofte landets politikere råbe op om, at vi …
The Rise and Fall of Social Cohesion
The book explores the ways in which social cohesion -- measured as trust in unknown fellow citizens -- can be established and undermined. It examines the US and UK, where social …
Institutional Logic of Welfare Attitudes
Why are people who live in liberal welfare regimes reluctant to support welfare policy? And conversely, why are people who live in social democratic welfare regimes so keen to …