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totalt 87 träffar

Random Walks, Critical Phenomena, and Triviality in Quantum Field Theory
Simple random walks - or equivalently, sums of independent random vari ables - have long been a standard topic of probability theory and mathemat ical physics. In the 1950s, …

Conformal Invariance and Critical Phenomena
Critical phenomena arise in a wide variety of physical systems. Classi cal examples are the liquid-vapour critical point or the paramagnetic ferromagnetic transition. Further …

The Statistical Mechanics of Financial Markets
The present third edition of The Statistical Mechanics of Financial Markets is published only four years after the ?rst edition. The success of the book highlights the interest in …

Quantum Relativity
Over the past years the author has developed a quantum language going beyond the concepts used by Bohr and Heisenberg. The simple formal algebraic language is designed to be …

Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
In this second volume on the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics we shall show how it is possible, using the methodology presented in Volume I, to deduce some of the most important …

Perturbative Quantum Electrodynamics and Axiomatic Field Theory
This book is concerned with relativistic quantum field theory, especially QED, its most successful example. It is set in the no-man's land between the math ematically rigorous but …

The Theory of Quark and Gluon Interactions
F. J. Ynduráin's book on Quantum Chromodynamics has become a classic among advanced textbooks. First published in 1983, and translated into Russian in 1986, it now sees its fourth …

From Microphysics to Macrophysics
This text not only provides a thorough introduction to statistical physics and thermodynamics but also exhibits the universality of the chain of ideas that leads from the laws of …

Quantum Entropy and Its Use
Entropy is a concept which appears in several fields and it is in the center of interest both in mathematical and physical subjects, sometimes even at other places, for example in …

The Theory of Photons and Electrons
Since the discovery of the corpuscular nature of radiation by Planck more than fifty years ago the quantum theory of radiation has gone through many stages of development which …

Geometry of the Standard Model of Elementary Particles
The book gives an exposition of the standard model of elementary particles based on coordinate-free differential geometric foundations. It addresses students in physics and …