Sökt på: Böcker av Una L. Tudor
totalt 7 träffar

Den lille bog om vejrtrækning
En lille guide, der besvarer spørgsmålet: Hvad hvis vi kan ændre hele vores liv ved at ændre den måde, vi trækker vejret på? På en god og letforståelig måde tackler de forskellige …

The Little Book of Reiki
A beautifully designed introduction to reiki, the Japanese system of energy healing. Practiced throughout the world, reiki has the phenomenal power to activate your body's natural …

Little Book of Dreams
Everyone from the pharaohs to Freud has had something to say about dreams. Used for both prophecy and psychoanalysis, they serve as a doorway to the soul and a window to the …

The Little Book of Breathing
What if changing the way we breathe can change the way we live?Breathing is perhaps the biological process to which we pay the least attention - but it's the most fundamental. …

Das kleine Hör-Buch vom heilsamen Atmen

Das kleine Buch vom heilsamen Atmen

Little Book of Breathing
This little guide is the answer to a single radical question: what if changing the way we breathe can change the way we live?In approachable, friendly prose, each chapter gently …