Sökt på: Böcker av Sheila Nataraj Kirby
totalt 13 träffar

Student Achievement and the Changing American Family
An analysis of the effects of changing family characteristics and demographics on aptitude scores. The conclusions undercut the conventional wisdom about failing schools, …

Organizational Improvement and Accountability
Describes accountability models in the manufacturing, job training, legal, and health care sectors; summarizes their effectiveness; and draws specific lessons for educators. …

Implementation in a Longitudinal Sample of New American Schools
This study sets forth the RAND statistical analyses determining both the areas of significant progress in the New American Schools scale-up of implementation of its whole-school …

Ending Social Promotion without Leaving Children Behind
The New York City Department of Education asked RAND to conduct an independent longitudinal evaluation of its 5th-grade promotion policy. The findings of that study, conducted …

Who is "Joint"?
The Department of Defense has an identified need to update the practice, policy, and law applied to Joint Officer Management and Joint Professional Military Education. As a lead-in …

Establishing a Research and Evaluation Capability for the Joint Medical Education and Training Campus
"Prepared for the Office of the Secretary of Defense."

Diversity of Service Academy Entrants and Graduates
Analyses of data on service academy entrants show that, although the percentages of women and nonwhite entrants have increased, these groups tend to graduate and complete their …

Enhancing Interoperability Among Enlisted Medical Personnel
To reduce costs and increase interoperability of the military services, a joint medical education and training campus is being established at Fort Sam Houston, Texas with a view to …

Achieving State and National Literacy Goals, a Long Uphill Road

Civilian Health Insurance Options of Military Retirees
Pilot survey of military retirees provides useful information on retirees' health care status, civilian health insurance enrollment, and reliance on TRICARE, the Department of …

Facing the Challenges of Whole-school Reform
After a decade of studies, this report draws together RAND's research on New American Schools, highlighting the organization's significant contribution to comprehensive school …

Qualifying Military Health Care Officers as "Joint"
This research, part of a larger project examining the preparation and support of leaders in the medical field, evaluates the need for and feasibility of qualifying health care …