Sökt på: Böcker av Richard H. Thaler
totalt 23 träffar

Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics
Nobel laureate Richard H. Thaler has spent his career studying the radical notion that the central agents in the economy are humans--predictable, error-prone individuals. …

When economics meets psychology, the implications for individuals, managers and policy makers are both profound and entertaining. Coupling recent discoveries in human psychology …

Nudge: The Final Edition
*Once again a New York Times bestseller First the original edition, and now the new Final Edition* An essential new edition―revised and updated from cover to cover―of one of the …

RICHARD H. THALER: WINNER OF THE 2017 NOBEL PRIZE IN ECONOMICSShortlisted for the Financial Times and McKinsey Business Book of the Year AwardECONOMIST, FINANCIAL TIMES and EVENING …

I Adfærdsøkonomi fortæller Richard Thaler, hvordan han sammen med en gruppe andre nytænkende yngre forskere udviklede adfærdsøkonomien. Feltet er et resultat af et sammenstød …

Väärin käyttäytyminen
Väärin käyttäytyminen on Richard H. Thalerin kiehtova ja usein riemastuttava kuvaus hänen pyrkimyksistään palauttaa yliopistotaloustiede maan pinnalle.Tätä tehdessään hän tuli …

Winner's Curse
Winner of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences Richard Thaler challenges the received economic wisdom by revealing many of the paradoxes that abound even in the most …