Sökt på: Böcker av Qais Akbar Omar
totalt 9 träffar
Fort of Nine Towers
Twenty-three years ago after the Soviets left and before the Taliban came to power Kabul was a garden where seven-year-old Qais Akbar Omar flew kites from the roof of his …
A Fort of Nine Towers
'To read this book is to understand Afghanistan as it exists today. This haunting memoir traces the unimaginable odyssey of one family whose world has collapsed . . . Poetic, …
Shakespeare in Kabul
In 2005, a group of actors in Kabul performed Shakespeare's Love's Labour's Lost to the cheers of Afghan audiences and the raves of foreign journalists. For the first time in …
Yhdeksän tornin linnake
”...runollinen, hauska ja pelottava tositarina.” - The EconomistVielä 1980-luvun lopulla Kabul on kuin suuri puutarha, jossa 7-vuotias Qais Akbar Omar lennättää leijoja isoisänsä …
A Night in the Emperor's Garden
In 2005, a group of Afghan actors endeavored to create an unusual dramatic performance--one that would bring theater to a region wounded after years of war with the Taliban and …
Fort of Nine Towers
Night in the Emperor's Garden
In 2005, everything seemed possible in Afghanistan. The Taliban was gone. A new government had been elected. A cultural renaissance was energizing the country.An actress visiting …
Yhdeksän tornin linnake
”...runollinen, hauska ja pelottava tositarina.” - The EconomistVielä 1980-luvun lopulla Kabul on kuin suuri puutarha, jossa 7-vuotias Qais Akbar Omar lennättää leijoja isoisänsä …
Shakespeare in Kabul
Die Welt horchte auf, als nach der Befreiung von der Talibanherrschaft eine Gruppe afghanischer Schauspielerinnen und Schauspieler Shakespeares Verlorene Liebesmüh in Kabul …