Sökt på: Böcker av Lydie Salvayre
totalt 11 träffar

Company of Ghosts
When a bailiff turns up, a teenager tries to salvage her mother, their dignity and the TV. When a bailiff arrives at a housing project on the edge of Paris to draw up a routine …

Cry, Mother Spain
Aged fifteen, as Franco's forces begin their murderous purges and cities across Spain rise up against the old order, Montse has never heard the word fascista before. In any case, …

Ikke gråte
«Vi befinner oss i Spania i 1936. Borgerkrigen er like ved å bryte ut, og moren min er en vrang fattigjente. En vrang fattigjente er en fattigjente som åpner kjeften. Den 18. juli …

Everyday Life
The hiring of a new secretary shouldn't be a big deal--just a slight a change in the office environment. But for the protagonist of this novel, it is a declaration of war, a call …

Ikke gråte
«Denne boka MÅ du få med deg.» Cathrine Krøger, Dagbladet. Terningkast 6 . «Medrivende mesterverk.» Steinar Sivertsen, Stavander Aftenblad. Terningkast 6. «Vi befinner oss i …

Power of Flies
The Power of Flies begins in a courtroom, where a man is undergoing an interrogation. He has committed a crime, and he must now explain himself. But instead of letting the judge, …

Cry, Mother Spain
Aged fifteen, as Franco's forces begin their murderous purges and cities across Spain rise up against the old order, Montse has never heard the word fascista before. In any case, …

Salvayre, L: Marcher jusqu'au soir

Portrait of the Writer as a Domesticated Animal
What happens when a writer throws herself into the service of one of the richest businessmen in the world? Will all the luxuries and corruption of the business world turn her into …