Sökt på: Böcker av John K. White
totalt 33 träffar

Health, Disease, and Illness
In the 1850s, "Drapetomania" was the medical term for a disease found among black slaves in the United States. The main symptom was a strange desire to run away from their masters. …

Happy earthday : lustbara kåserier
Bok + CD HAPPY EARTHDAY är en ljuflig samling kåserier där det lilla och det stora, livets alla tankar möts i en sällsam blandning av humor och poetiskt allvar allt förmedlat av …

Diagnosis and Management of Melanoma in Clinical Practice
In the last decade there has been no major clinical mono-graph on this increasingly common and difficult malignancywhich is a killer of young people. The gap in the …

Truth About Energy

Prey: Seven Tales of Beastly Terror

THE MURDER CASE - Ultimate Mystery Collection
This meticulously edited collection is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents:Arthur Conan Doyle:Sherlock HolmesTrue Crime StoriesG. K. …

Get Ready! Get Real! Get Financial Freedom!
This book will change your life and finances for the better Are you ready for life, your way? Tired of overcomplicated approaches? Ready for real financial freedom now? Today you …

The Truth About Energy
The transition to renewable energy is vital and fast-paced, but how do we choose which technologies to drive this energy transition? This timely book provides everyone interested …

Reassessing the Reagan Presidency
This collection of essays from a broad cross-section of historians and political scientists provides a 'second generation' scholarly assessment of Ronald Reagan's presidency. The …

Improving Soil Health
Agriculture is one of the biggest contributors to climate change. More sustainable crop production based on agroecological principles is seen as a key solution to this challenge. …

Do the Math!
How do pyramid scams work? Are reality television shows fair? Why are sports so uncompetitive? Who really broke the bank in 2009? Our world has become more complicated, and the …

Fountain of Youth
The withdrawal of young Americans from electoral politics has been as startling as it has been mystifying. Possible explanations for this phenomenon have focused on increased …