Sökt på: Böcker av Francis Scott Fitzgerald
totalt 249 träffar

Den store Gatsby
Största delen av romanens händelser utspelas under sommaren 1922. Romanens berättare, Nick Carraway, en utexaminerad student från Yale University och första världskriget-veteran …

Novogodnee chudo (komplekt iz 2 knig: Norvezhskij les, Velikij Getsbi)
Roman "Norvezhskij les", prinesshij Kharuki Murakami mirovuju izvestnost. I legendarnyj roman F. Skotta Fitsdzheralda "Velikij Getsbi". Pochemu v odnom komplekte? Kakaja svjaz? …

Great Gatsby
In 1922, F. Scott Fitzgerald announced his decision to write "e;something new--something extraordinary and beautiful and simple + intricately patterned."e; That …

Anglijskij s ljubovju. Velikij Getsbi
Amerika 1920-kh godov, "vek dzhaza", vremja stremitelnykh vzletov i padenij, slovno passazhej neistovogo saksofona, improvizirujuschego gde-to posredi nochnogo Mankhettena; vremja …

Babylon Revisited
One of the finest short stories in the English language, 'Babylon Revisited', written by F Scott Fitzgerald, is an intensely personal portrait of a man who has squandered his life. …

Crack-Up - and 6 other autobiographical stories and essays on failure: My Lost City + The Crack-Up + Pasting It Together + Handle with Care + Afternoon of an Author + Early Success + My Generation
This carefully crafted ebook: "e;The Crack-Up - and 6 other autobiographical stories and essays on failure"e; is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed …

A Freeze-Out was written in the year 1931 by Francis Scott Fitzgerald. This book is one of the most popular novels of Francis Scott Fitzgerald, and has been translated into several …

Head & Shoulders
In 1915 Horace Tarbox was thirteen years old. In that year he took the examinations for entrance to Prince-ton University and received the Grade A-excellent-in Caesar, Cicero, …

Gatsby le magnifique
Raconté par un voisin devenu son ami, le roman tourne autour du personnage de Gatsby, jeune millionnaire charmant au passé trouble qui vit luxueusement dans une villa toujours …

Gatsby Le Magnifique
L''histoire se déroule dans l''Amérique des années 20 : c''est l''époque du jazz, de la prohibition et des réussites fulgurantes. Un homme, surnommé Gatsby, est incroyablement …

Sensible Thing
The Sensible Thing was written in the year 1924 by Francis Scott Fitzgerald. This book is one of the most popular novels of Francis Scott Fitzgerald, and has been translated into …