Sökt på: Böcker av Anja Müller
totalt 45 träffar

Pædagogik i dagtilbud
Bogen henvender sig særligt til dig, som er studerende på specialiseringsdelen ”Dagtilbudspædagogik” på pædagoguddannelsen. Udgivelsen er komponeret omkring bekendtgørelsens …

The ABC of Work Motivation
What are the innate and universal ingredients to stimulate employee well-being and performance? This book will help you learn more about these, based on the latest research in …

?Frauen um die 50 sind die schönsten Lebewesen unter den Menschen ?, schrieb Yoko Tawada einmal in einem poetischen Text.Mit einem Vorwort von Yoko Tawada & Claudia Gehrke und …

Mediating Identities in Eighteenth-Century England
Through case studies from diverse fields of cultural studies, this collection examines how different constructions of identity were mediated in England during the long eighteenth …

Fashioning Childhood in the Eighteenth Century
This innovative collection of essays re-examines conventional ideas of the history of childhood, exploring the child's increasing prominence in eighteenth-century discourse and the …

Travailler en Californie

Lavorare in California

Perlen geschichtswissenschaftlicher Reflexion
39 authors from different academic disciplines approach Eastern Europe from different angles. Special attention is given to the historical spaces of Galicia and the Black Sea …

Country report of Ukraine

The Brecht Yearbook / Das Brecht-Jahrbuch 42
The leading publication on Brecht, his work, and topics of interest to him; this annual volume documents the International Brecht Society's 2016 symposium, "Recycling Brecht." …

Historische Lexikographie zwischen Tradition und Innovation
Die historische Lexikographie steht seit geraumer Zeit in einem besonderen Spannungsfeld zwischen den Anforderungen traditioneller Philologie, moderner Metalexikographie und …

The Brecht Yearbook / Das Brecht-Jahrbuch 45
Volume 45 is focused on the theme "Brecht Among Strangers," with articles on a range of artists who engage(d) with Brecht from perspectives involving being a stranger, strangeness, …