  • IBM


    klotband, 2019, Engelska, ISBN 9780262039444

    A history of one of the most influential American companies of the last century.For decades, IBM shaped the way the world did business. IBM products were in every large

  • Inventing the Charles River


    klotband, 2002, Engelska, ISBN 9780262083072

    An illustrated account of the creation of the Charles River Basin, focusing on the precarious balance between transportation planning and the stewardship of the public realm.The

  • Bark


    klotband, 2017, Engelska, ISBN 9780262036849

    A noted French thinker's poignant reflections, in words and photographs, on his visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau.On a visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau, Georges Didi-Huberman tears three

  • Russian Cosmism

    klotband, 2018, Engelska, ISBN 9780262037433

    Crucial texts, many available in English for the first time, written before and during the Bolshevik Revolution by the radical biopolitical utopianists of Russian Cosmism.Cosmism

  • Girls Coming to Tech!


    klotband, 2014, Engelska, ISBN 9780262019545

    How women coped with both formal barriers and informal opposition to their entry into the traditionally masculine field of engineering in American higher education.Engineering

  • Old Wheelways


    klotband, 2015, Engelska, ISBN 9780262029469

    How American bicyclists shaped the landscape and left traces of their journeys for us in writing, illustrations, and photographs. In the later part of the nineteenth century,

  • Minitel

    av ,

    klotband, 2017, Engelska, ISBN 9780262036221

    The first scholarly book in English on Minitel, the pioneering French computer network, offers a history of a technical system and a cultural phenomenon.A decade before the

  • Lonely Ideas


    klotband, 2013, Engelska, ISBN 9780262019798

    An expert investigates Russia's long history of technological invention followed by commercial failure and points to new opportunities to break the pattern. When have you gone into

  • Think Tank Aesthetics


    klotband, 2020, Engelska, ISBN 9780262043526

    How the approaches and methods of think tanks-including systems theory, operational research, and cybernetics-paved the way for a peculiar genre of midcentury modernism.In Think

  • Vivarium

    klotband, 2017, Engelska, ISBN 9780262036702

    The scientific achievements and forgotten legacy of a major Austrian research institute, from its founding in 1902 to its wartime destruction in 1945.The Biologische