Teater og drama

  • Afterlives of Endor


    pocket, 2023, Engelsk, ISBN 9781501772184

    Afterlives of Endor offers an analysis of the way early modern English literature addressed the period's anxieties about witchcraft and theatricality. What determined whether or

  • Hamilton and the Law

    pocket, 2020, Engelsk, ISBN 9781501753381

    Since its Broadway debut, Hamilton: An American Musical has infused itself into the American experience: who shapes it, who owns it, who can rap it best. Lawyers and legal

  • Theaters of Pardoning


    pocket, 2019, Engelsk, ISBN 9781501739347

    From Gerald Ford's preemptive pardon of Richard Nixon and Donald Trump's claims that as president he could pardon himself to the posthumous royal pardon of Alan Turing, the power

  • Revolutionary Acts


    pocket, 2016, Engelsk, ISBN 9781501707209

    During the Russian Revolution and Civil War, amateur theater groups sprang up in cities across the country. Workers, peasants, students, soldiers, and sailors provided

  • Theater and Spectacle in the Art of the Roman Empire


    pocket, 2016, Engelsk, ISBN 9780801456886

    Theater, spectacle, and performance played significant roles in the political and social structure of the Roman Empire, which was diverse in population and language. A wide and

  • Seneca's "Hercules Furens"


    pocket, 2009, Latin, ISBN 9780801475719

    John G. Fitch's new Latin text of Seneca's play, Hercules Furens, is based on a collation of the chief manuscripts, including the Paris manuscript T.

  • Political Actors


    pocket, 2002, Engelsk, ISBN 9780801488092

    From the start of the French Revolution, contemporary observers were struck by the overwhelming theatricality of political events. Examples of convergence between theater and

  • The Contested Parterre


    pocket, 1999, Engelsk, ISBN 9780801485411

    In the playhouses of eighteenth-century France, clerks and students, soldiers and merchants, and the occasional aristocrat stood in the pit, while the majority of the elite sat in

  • Performing Women


    pocket, 1996, Engelsk, ISBN 9780801483370

    Some feminists criticize male playwrights for misrepresenting and thereby victimizing women through patriarchal narratives; other feminists applaud selected male playwrights as