Hakutulokset: Kirjoja kirjailijalta Minna Salami
yhteensä 12 hakutulosta
Aistien viisaus
Omaääninen ajattelija ja rohkea tarinankertoja Minna Salami yhdistää filosofisessa ja leikkisässä esikoisteoksessaan populaarikulttuuria, afrikkalaista perinnetietoutta ja myyttejä …
Sensuous Knowledge
In Sensuous Knowledge, Minna Salami draws on Africa-centric, feminist-first and artistic traditions to help us rediscover inclusive and invigorating ways of experiencing the world …
Sensuous Knowledge
Andra sidan berget : en svart feministisk väg till sensuös kunskap för alla
Två upptäcktsresande utforskar olika sidor av samma berg. Den ena ser en karg och ogästvänlig plats.Men vad skulle vi finna om vi såg berget med den andra upptäcktsresandens ögon? …
Dispatches from a Time Between Worlds
Fourteen leading metamodern writers create and inspire viable and desirable futures in this time between worlds, where one pattern of collective life is dying and another needs our …
Can Feminism be African?
In this shining, powerful polemic, Minna Salami opens up a new view of gender equality through two simple questions. What happens when we consider feminism through an African lens, …
Power Book
With this inspiring and brightly illustrated guide to power, learn about the different types of power, what it means to have power, and what you can do with your own power to …
Boken om makt; hva er det, hvem har det, og hv
Dette er en av de bøkene som KAN GJØRE EN FORSKJELL i et ungt menneskes liv. For i seg selv er MAKT VERKEN BRA ELLER DÅRLIG, det kommer helt an på hvordan man velger å bruke …
Sinnliches Wissen
Sensuous Knowledge
In Sensuous Knowledge, Minna Salami draws on Africa-centric, feminist-first and artistic traditions to help us rediscover inclusive and invigorating ways of experiencing the world …
Sensuous Knowledge
Sensuous Knowledge is a collection of thought-provoking essays that applies an Africa-centered feminist sensibility to issues of racism and sexism. In this riveting meditation, …
The Power Book
With this inspiring and brightly illustrated guide to power, learn about the different types of power, what it means to have power, and what you can do with your own power to …