Hakutulokset: Kirjoja kirjailijalta Edgar Wallace
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Vihreä jousimies
Abe Bellamyn, linnan omistajan, ja tunnettun rikollisen vihamies löytyy kuolleena, nuolen lävistämänä. The Daily Globe saa tiedon siitä, että vuonna 1487 hirtetty Garren linnan …

Mannen från Marocko
James Morlake bor i en lyxig lägenhet på Bond Street i London. Han tillhör samhällets toppskikt och är mycket rik. Det går rykten om att hans förmögenhet är så stor att han kan …

The Ghost of Down Hill (Fantasy and Horror Classics)

Complete Works of Edgar Wallace
The Complete Works of Edgar WallaceThis Complete Collection includes the following titles:--------1 - The Daffodil Mystery2 - The Angel of Terror3 - Bones4 - Jack O' Judgment5 - …

The Northing Tramp
With tramps, gangsters and English nobility, ‘The Northing Tramp’ is step away from Edgar’s usual setting. This crime classic jumps right into it with a tramp making a run for the …

Fantastic Stories Present the Galaxy Science Fiction Super Pack #1
Edited by H. L. Gold; 'Galaxy Science Fiction' hit the scene in 1950 and quickly became the leading science fiction magazine of its time. Galaxy gave a home to writers that didn't …

The Nine Bears
‘The Nine Bears’ introduces us for the first time to the brilliant Scotland Yard Detective Elk, on assignment to track down some shady financiers causing havoc with the global …

Mr. Justice Maxel: in large print

Council of Justice

Lone House Mystery
The dead man was rich. In life he lived in a lonely house by a river. In the earth outside it is the imprint of a bare foot. His secretary, with whom he was having an affair, is …