Sökt på: jukka aro hockey
totalt 11 träffar
Träna Hockey Hemma: för hockeyspelare och föräldrar
Träna hockey hemma är boken för hockeyspelare i olika åldrar med ett stort hockeyhjärta, men även för föräldrar, som vill hjälpa sitt eller sina barn att utvecklas inom sporten, …
HockeyCoach: Hockey Ledarskap och Övningar
En ledarroll är inte lätt oavsett sport. Kraven och förväntningarna är ibland stora (du kan bara titta på det fiktiva exemplet, en fars önskan i boken). Du måste hantera hockeyns …
Träna Matchlikt i Hockey
Tanken med den här boken är att fokus skall helt och hållet ligga på hockeyövningar i olika kategorier och att alla hockeyövningar kopplar så mycket, som möjligt till temat …
Swedish Hockey Drills for Kids
Hockey drills are available in large quantities, but usually for the slightly older hockey players, but how do the younger players get a good start to their hockey careers? In this …
HockeyCoach Jääkiekko Harjoitteet: Yksilöllinen tekniikka harjoittelu
Uudet modernit jääkiekkoharjoitteet, jotka kehittävät pelaajan eri teknisiä osa-alueita, koska: Monella pelaajalla (ei kaikilla) fysiikka on aikaisempaa tasoa huonompi, mutta …
Multidimensional Hockey Drills and Training
How should a modern hockey drill and practice look like? How much does the console games affect your players and in what way, something negative or is it an opportunity? What can …
Hockey leadership and coaching: From theory to practice and drills
What is required from a successful hockey coach or a hockey team? How can you as the coach bring your team to the next level on ice, but also see and strengthen each individual in …
Hockey Practices for the Younger Players
Hockey practices for the younger players is a book with ready-made hockey practices for players between 7-12 years. All hockey practices and drills have been carried out …
Match-like Hockey Drills
Match-like hockey drills. The idea of this hockey book is that the focus should be entirely on hockey drills in different categories and that all hockey drills link as much as …
Hockey at Home: Hockey Drills to do at Home
Hockey at home is a book for ice hockey players with big hockey heart in all ages, but also for hockey parents, who wants to support their child to develop in hockey, by practicing …
Hockey Training at Home: AI Based Hockey Training Programs
Artificial Intelligence Based 7-day Hockey Training Programs Welcome to the AI based hockey training book with practices that can be used by coaches or by hockey players. Most of …