Sökt på: Gun love
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Gun Love. Textausgabe

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Fjorten år gamle Pearl bor i en ødelagt bil i en bilpark i Florida. Hun har rom i forsetet og moren i baksetet. Dashbordet er et imaginært piano, og bagasjerommet er fullt av …

Super-Dimensional Love Gun
Fashionable-paranoia is a mix of splatter violence, humor and titillation, and manga artist, Shintaro Kago has helped define the genre over the last twenty years. Collecting …

Kram från Joy
Andra delen i feel good-serien om tioåriga Joy Applebloom.Hej, det är jag som är Joy! Alla säger att jag har glaset halvfullt, vilket betyder att jag kan se det positiva i allting. …

True Love: 3 Men, 1 Woman & a Gun
A story about the deadly consequences of using an arranged marriage to cover statutory rape. When Rose became pregnant at age 15, panic set it and her mother was adamant that …

Love & a Loaded Gun
The poems in this collection tell women's stories from history, mythology, the literary canon, and pop culture who feel the burden of being a woman. They are driven by rage to …

Gandhi with the Gun: You, Me, and Love... Jihad
A Book for Change "A girl was being raped in front of his eyes as he stood there with a gun. He wanted to save the girl, but his principles were stopping him from shooting." A …

Gandhi with the Gun: You, Me and Love.....Jihad
A Book for Change "A girl was being raped in front of his eyes as he stood there with a gun. He wanted to save the girl, but his principles were stopping him from shooting." A …