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totalt 66 träffar

Diffusing Software Product and Process Innovations
Diffusing Software Product and Process Innovations addresses the problems and issues surrounding successful diffusion of innovations in software. Everett Rogers' classic text, …

Geometric Modelling
Geometric modelling has been an important and interesting subject for many years from the purely mathematical and computer science viewpoint, and also from the standpoint of …

Testing of Communicating Systems
Testing of Communicating Systems presents the latest international results in both the theory and industrial practice of the testing of communicating systems. The topics …

New Information Technologies in Organizational Processes
A number of relatively new technologies, such as Enterprise Resource Planning systems, the Internet and intranets, have entered the organizational landscape. These technologies …

Architecture and Design of Distributed Embedded Systems
Due to the decreasing production costs of IT systems, applications that had to be realised as expensive PCBs formerly, can now be realised as a system-on-chip. Furthermore, low …

Games in Operations Management
Learning has become a constant state of mind for most professionals in today's organizations. However, to become a true learning enterprise, organizations cannot stop at …

Emerging Personal Wireless Communications
The growth of telecommunications has been largely based on mobile and data services in the past 10 years and the growth will continue. For instance, it is forecasted that after …

Knowledge Intensive Computer Aided Design
Computer Aided Design (CAD) technology plays a key role in today's advanced manufacturing environment. To reduce the time to market, achieve zero defect quality the at first …

E-Business and Virtual Enterprises
The fast progress in computer networks and their wide availability complemented with on one hand the "explosion" of the mobile computing and on the other hand the trends in the …

Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems
This publication is a collection of papers from the Third International Working Conference of IFIP TC-11 Working group 11.5 on "Integrity and Internal Control in Information …

From Knowledge Intensive CAD to Knowledge Intensive Engineering
IFIP Working Group 5.2 has organized a series of workshops extending the concept of intelligent CAD to the concept of "knowledge intensive engineering". The concept advocates …

System Modelling and Optimization
System Modelling and Optimization covers research issues within systems theory, optimization, modelling, and computing. It includes contributions to structural mechanics, integer …