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Microfinance Self-Help Groups in India
Self-Help Groups (SHGs), a means of reaching rural women with savings and credit services, have taken off dramatically in India, where an estimated 25 million women are members. …

Metal Casting
An introduction to small-scale non-ferrous casting. Includes step-by-step instructions on how to make equipment using local materials; and provides information on moulding …

Water and Sanitation for All
Water and Sanitation for All is a collection of selected papers from the 23rd WEDC Conference in Durban, South Africa on partnerships and innovations to assist in achieving water …

Every Last Drop
Over the past two decades a quiet revolution has been taking place in the countryside of China where hundreds of millions of people have been lifted out of poverty. This book …

LA Guia de las MSP

Partnerships for Girls' Education
The idea of partnerships - involving multinational donors, governments, international non-government organisations, the private sector, civil society, and local communities - is …

From Infrastructure to Services
From Infrastructure to Services reveals important breakthroughs in country-led and country-wide monitoring of rural and small towns water supplies; ICT for monitoring sustainable …

Guatemala: False Hope False Freedom
After the installation of a civilian government in 1986, many Guatemalans hopes for a sharp break with the poverty and repression of the past. This updated edition examines the …

Health Care for Refugees and Displaced People
Over the years Oxfam has been involved in a wide variety of health-related projects. The Practical Health Guides draw on this experience to put forward ideas on best practice in …

Normas Mínimas Para la Protección de la Niñez y Adolescencia en la Acción Humanitaria

Rural Credit
What is - and what should be - the role of rural credit in developing countries? The author steers the reader though this discussion and towards sound practical conclusions, using …

Famine Early Warning and Response
Drawing on case studies from Ethiopia, Sudan, Chad, Mali and Kenya (focusing on Turkana district) during the drought years of 1990-91, this book investigates why early warning …