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totalt 105 träffar

Endosymbiotic Magnetotactic and Extraterrestrial Intergalactic Archaea

Los lemurianos y el imperio oceánico marítimo del Homo Neanderthalis

Free-Living Infective Supermitochondrial Networks

Cholesterol - Clay - Actinidic Crystals and Origin of Life
Global warming consequent to archaeal endosymbiosis, ammonia oxidation, methanogenesis, nitrate metabolism and cholesterol oxidation creates multiple shadow biospheres. Ammonia …

Addictive Pollution and Regressive Evolution- Homo Pollutus Addicticus
The global warming consequent to archaeal overgrowth, methanogenesis and internet mediated EMF pollution leads to heme oxygenase HO1 induction, increased porphyrin synthesis and …

Autistic Punks - The Modern Rise of Kapalikas and Kalamukha
The brain which is regulated by endosymbiotic archaea consequent to global warming has its structural anatomy changed. The frontal lobe &pre-frontal lobe concerned with forming …

Die Lemurier und das maritime ozeanische Reich des Homo Neanderthalis

Extraterrestrial Nanoarchaea -Reptilian Extraterrestrial Neanderthals
Reptilian Neanderthal hybrids with homo sapien species are common in global population. The Nair community is matrilineal and is one of the few functional matriarchies in the world …

Selenopatía - Archaea Endosimbiótica, Síndrome de Deficiencia de Selenio

Dancing Primate Dinosaur, Singing Primate Bat & Bipedal Primate Humans
The story of Dasavatar is the story of human evolution and Vedic biology. Gondwanaland and Lemuria in the Southern ocean is the cradle of civilisation and the Dasavatar indicates …

Mitochondriopathie- Archaeen/Mitochondrien Digoxin und Na-K ATPase