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totalt 26 träffar

Changing Schools in an Era of Globalization
Much has been written about globalization and the challenge of preparing young people for the new world of work and life in times of complexity and continuous change. However, few …

Spiritual, Life and Values Education for Children
This book offers various perspectives on children's spirituality and its relation to life and values education from diverse socio-cultural and educational contexts. It brings …

Soft Skills and Hard Values
To help researchers, educators and policy makers understand and support the development of 21st-century skills in schools, this edited volume explores the various iterations of …

Cyberbullying and Values Education
Written by scholars from both the Western and Chinese contexts, this monograph discusses the relation between cyberbullying, socio-emotional-moral competencies, and feasible …

Transnational Education and Curriculum Studies
In recent years, there has been increasing attention placed on international and transnational aspects of school and higher education curricula, and the different research …

Class Size
Much debate, research and commentary about class sizes in schools is limited because of an exclusive concern with class size and pupil academic attainment, and a neglect of …

Asia's High Performing Education Systems
Education officials, specialist leaders and teachers have all been involved in different ways to bring about school reform in Hong Kong. This book is a very current and relevant …

Quality in Teacher Education and Professional Development
This book addresses the past and changing contexts of Chinese and German teacher education under the impact of globalization and echoes "e;quality"e; issues of teacher …

Routledge International Handbook of Life and Values Education in Asia
This Handbook provides a comprehensive look at the educational scope of life and values that characterize 21st-century Asia, as well as those values shared across cultures.Some …

Transnational Education and Curriculum Studies
In recent years, there has been increasing attention placed on international and transnational aspects of school and higher education curricula, and the different research …

Changing Role of Schools in Asian Societies
Walk into a classroom in Tokyo, New York, London or Rotterdam, and the similarities in structure, activity, purpose and style will outweigh differences in language, dress and …

Theorizing Teaching and Learning in Asia and Europe
There has been much debate in recent times between the Anglo American tradition of curriculum studies and the Continental and North European tradition of didactics (Didaktik). As …