Sökt på: Böcker av bengt sandin
totalt 20 träffar
Industrious Children
Children's work is a controversial subject both in the sciences of sociology and history. It does not accord well with the modern idea of a good childhood -- that children actually …
Neither Fish, Nor Fowl
Educational media has been a contested arena in the creation and communication of the Swedish welfare system it was an important instrument of modernization. In Neither Fish nor …
Politics of Children's Rights and Representation
This open access edited volume investigates children and youth's deep entanglement in today's major global, national, and local transformations and processes: wherein they are not …
Politik, påverkan och vägledning : om barn, jämställdhet, mat och olycksfal
Antologin är skriven inom ramen för forskningsprogrammet Välfärdsstat, medier och modernisering. Programmet syftar till att teckna sambanden mellan utbildningsprogrammen och …
The Politics of Children’s Rights and Representation
This open access edited volume investigates children and youth's deep entanglement in today's major global, national, and local transformations and processes: wherein they are not …
Situating child consumption : rethinking values and notions of children, childhood and consumption
How do children understand issues of work, marketing, money and scarcity? In Situating Child Consumption the contributors offer a provocative stance rethinking values and notions …
Neither Fish nor Fowl: Educational Broadcasting in Sweden 1930-2000
Educational media has been a contested arena in the creation and communication of the Swedish welfare system – it was an important instrument of modernization. In Neither Fish nor …
Medier och modernisering : en antologi om utbildningsprogram och samhällsfö
Utbildningsprogrammen i radio och tv representerar en viktig aspekt av 1900-talets utveckling, nämligen medie- och utbildningssamhällets framväxt. Välfärdssamhällets utveckling och …