Sökt på: Böcker av Ute Frevert
totalt 38 träffar
Women in German History
This is the first comprehensive study of the experiences of women in modern German society. The author examines aspects of change and continuity in the lives of women over the past …
Emotional Lexicons
Emotions are as old as humankind. But what do we know about them and what importance do we assign to them? Emotional Lexicons is the first cultural history of terms of emotion …
Men of Honour
This book provides a wide-ranging and fascinating history of the duel and its significance, from the early modern period to the twentieth century.
Emotional Lexicons
Emotions are as old as humankind. But what do we know about them and what importance do we assign to them? Emotional Lexicons is the first cultural history of terms of emotion …
Frauen - Geschichte
Moral Economies
s there a moral economy of capitalism? The term moral economy was coined in pre-capitalist times and does not refer to economy as we know it today. It was only in the nineteenth …
Kapitalismus, Märkte und Moral
Ausgehend von den gegenwärtigen Forderungen nach einer "moralischen Ökonomie", beleuchtet Ute Frevert das schwierige Verhältnis von Kapitalismus und Moral und die Frage, ob …
Die Politik der Demütigung
Gefühle in der Geschichte
Akademische Lebensläufe erzählen uns ebenso viel über die Person wie über ihr Fach und dessen Geschichte. Ute Frevert gab der Sozial- und Geschlechtergeschichte durch richtungsweis …
The Politics of Humiliation
In a brilliant procession through the last 250 years, Ute Frevert looks at the role that public humiliation has played in modern society, showing how humiliation - and the feeling …
Gefuhle in der Geschichte
Academic résumés tell us as much about the person as they do about their subject and its history. Ute Frevert gave important impetus to social and gender history through …
Passion Leidenschaft
Neid und Wut, Liebe und Hass, Begehren und Eifersucht – die Darstellung herzzerreißender, hochdramatischer, zutiefst beglückender und bis ins Mark erschütternder Figuren und Szenen …