Sökt på: Serie class 200: new studies in religion
totalt 25 träffar

Sincerely Held
A novel account of the relationship between sincerity, religious freedom, and the secular in the United States. “Sincerely held religious belief” is now a common phrase in …

The Privilege of Being Banal
France, officially, is a secular nation. Yet Catholicism is undeniably a monumental presence, defining the temporal and spatial rhythms of Paris. At the same time, it often fades …

Consuming Religion
What are you drawn to like, to watch, or even to binge? What are you free to consume, and what do you become through consumption? These questions of desire and value, Kathryn …

The Aliites
“Citizenship is salvation,” preached Noble Drew Ali, leader of the Moorish Science Temple of America in the early twentieth century. Ali’s message was an aspirational call for …

Underworld Work
A rethinking of African American religious history that focuses on the development and evolution of Africana spiritual traditions in Jim Crow New Orleans. When Zora Neale Hurston …

Fraternal Critique
An exploration of ways that discord binds rather than divides communal life, through an ethnography of French Muslim activism. The conversation about Islam in France is framed by …

Make Yourselves Gods
From the perspective of Protestant America, nineteenth-century Mormons were the victims of a peculiar zealotry, a population deranged--socially, sexually, even racially--by the …

Experiments with Power – Obeah and the Remaking of Religion in Trinidad
In 2011, Trinidad declared a state of emergency. This massive state intervention lasted for 108 days and led to the rounding up of over 7,000 people in areas the state deemed …

Life in Language
A new anthropology of Protestant feminism, anchored by the language experiments of one Lutheran community. The language of the Bible is a powerful lens through which many …