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totalt 51 träffar

Executive and Legislative Powers in the Constitutions of 1848-49

Legal Issues in International Credit Transfers

Meeting the Intercultural Challenge: Effective Approaches in Research, Education, Training and Business
Meeting the Intercultural Challenge SIETAR (Society for Intercultural Education Training and Research) ist die alteste und weltweit grosste Vereinigung, die ein interdisziplinares …

Cfroi of Customer Relationship Management: Empirical Evidence from Mysap Crm Users
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) promises to create value for a company through a software-supported customer focus of its entire business system. But the urgent question of …

Restructuring the Economy of the 21st Century in Japan and Germany

The Civilian Tradition and Scots Law: Aberdeen Quincentenary Essays
On 10 February 1995 the University of Aberdeen celebrated its quincentenary. On that day in 1495 Pope Alexander VI had issued to Bishop William Elphinstone the founding Bull giving …

On a Singular Book of Cervidius Scaevola

Interactions Between Economy and Ecology

Language as a Medium of Legal Norms: Implications of the Use of Arabic as a Language in the United Nations System

Negligence: The Comparative Legal History of the Law of Torts

Bargaining Theory and Fairness: A Theoretical and Experimental Approach Considering Freedom of Choice and the Crowding-Out of Intrinsic Motivation

Ratio Decidendi: Guiding Principles of Judicial Decisions. Vol. 1: Case Law
Although the problem of ratio decidendi concerns the essence of law and justice, very little comparative work between the Continental and Anglo-American legal systems has been done …