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totalt 8 247 träffar

Hebräisches und Aramäisches Handwörterbuch über das Alte Testament
Es handelt sich um die einbändige Ausgabe der 18. Auflage des zuerst 1810/12 und 1815 von dem Hallenser Alttestamentler und Orientalisten Wilhelm Gesenius (1786–1842) …

Real-Time C++
With this book, Christopher Kormanyos delivers a highly practical guide to programming real-time embedded microcontroller systems in C++. It is divided into three parts plus …

Buckling of Beams, Plates and Shells
This book contains an introduction to the fundamental principles of the theory of stability of elastic bodies and structures. Beginning with very basic explanations of stability …

Forest Therapy - The Potential of the Forest for Your Health
In fast-paced everyday life, it is becoming increasingly important to find an antipole. The forest seems to be the perfect place for this - it offers balancing stimuli, …

Understanding Network Hacks
This book explains how to see one's own network through the eyes of an attacker, to understand their techniques and effectively protect against them. Through Python code samples …

Vegetation and Climate
Vegetation, soil and climate are the most important components of ecological systems. The book represents a compact synthesis of our current knowledge about the ecology of the …

Stupid as a Fish?
Compared to mammals, fish are often underestimated and dismissed as less complex organisms. To refute this hasty conclusion, Horst Bleckmann presents to you the highly developed …

Spiritual Care & Existential Care interprofessionell
Die Beiträge in diesem Buch bieten einen breitgefächerten Überblick und thematischeTiefenschärfung zu ethischen, rechtlichen und strukturellen Rahmenbedingungen von Spiritual / …

Understanding Cryptography
Understanding and employing cryptography has become central for securing virtually any digital application, whether user app, cloud service, or even medical implant.Heavily revised …

Einführung in die Literaturtheorie
Was ist Literatur? , fragt das mittlerweile legendäre Einleitungskapitel dieses Bandes. Pointiert und kritisch-souverän zugleich führt Eagleton an erste literaturtheoretische …

Hausspinnen weltweit
Spinnen, die als Untermieter in unseren Häusern vorkommen, werden meist ignoriert und gelegentlich (zu Unrecht) gefürchtet. Es dürfte weltweit kaum ein Gebäude geben, in dem nicht …

Animal-Assisted Therapy with Dogs
Animal-assisted therapy has been the talk of the town for several years and is increasingly being integrated into the psychotherapeutic treatment of people. But how exactly can …