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totalt 227 träffar
Diabetes and Atherosclerosis
Coronary Circulation
Few diagnostic methods in Cardiology have heralded such revolutionary developments as the introduction of coronary arteriography. When, in the early 1960's, Dr. F. Mason Sones …
Hypertension in the Elderly
As the life expectancy of patients with arterial hypertension increases, hypertension in the elderly is becoming a relevant medical and social problem. Indeed, epidemiological …
Recent Views on Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
In Groningen there has been a continuous investigation of hypertrophic cardio myopathy for almost twenty years. Members of this working-group have tried to study the many aspects …
Color Doppler Flow Imaging
The introduction of quantitative Doppler echocardiography gave rise to explo- sive interest in the application of this method in clinical cardiology. However, before cardiologists …
Cardiovascular Specific Gene Expression
Improving our insights into the genetic predisposition to cardiovascular disease is one of the most important challenges in our field in the next millennium, not only to unravel …
Delayed Preconditioning and Adaptive Cardioprotection
Interest in the ability of myocardium to adapt to ischaemic stress has continued to grow since the discovery of ischaemic preconditioning in 1986. In 1993, two reports heralded …
Myocardium at Risk and Viable Myocardium
The clinical use of nuclear cardiology for the assessment of myocardial ischemia continues to grow at an unprecedented rate. Part of the reason for this growth is the technical …
Nuclear imaging in clinical cardiology
In recent years methods have been developed to study cardiac function, myocardial blood flow and myocardial metabolism with radionuclides. These developments have been facilitated …
HDL Deficiency and Atherosclerosis
The tandem pace of medical knowledge and prevention of ischaemic heart disease over the past 50 years is testimony to the effectiveness of a combination of massive scientific …
Triggering of Acute Coronary Syndromes
Cardiovascular diseases account for about half of total mortality in industrialised societies. This figure has declined only slightly and in few countries over the past few …
Growth Factors and the Cardiovascular System
Nature is totally amoral! There are at least 3-4 million people in France alone who suffer from arterial hypertension, and whose cardiovascular system is submitted day and night to …