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totalt 39 träffar
The Heliosphere in the Local Interstellar Medium
"The Heliosphere in the Local Interstellar Medium", the Proceedings of the First ISSI Workshop 6-10 November 1995, Bern, Switzerland, edited by R. von Steiger, R. Lallement, and …
Was Menschen verbindet
Dieses Buch entwickelt die relevanten Facetten von Wertschätzung und zeigt die Verbindung zu Wertschöpfung in Zeiten von Industrie 4.0, der Digitalisierung und des Klimawandels …
Introduction to Electromobility
The book provides a comprehensive overview of all relevant technical and environmental aspects relating to road vehicles with low-emission drive technology. The focus is on …
Multisensory Design of Retail Environments
Online retailers have gained massive popularity in recent years, plunging large parts of brick-and-mortar retail into an existential crisis. In order to survive in times of growing …
Surface-Bounded Exospheres and Interactions in the Inner Solar System
Studying the evolution of the surfaces and atmospheres of planetary bodies in the solar system is fundamental to our understanding of the present state of the solar system. …
Das Lehrbuch Versorgungsforschung richtet sich an Studierende, Lehrende und Forschende sowie Interessierte aus den Bereichen Versorgungspraxis, …
Next Generation Internet
The development of the internet, particularly the World Wide Web, is currently hitting its limits—both technically and socio-culturally, as well as economically. A new internet is …
Stressbewältigung im Studium
Stress und psychische Belastungen sind unter Studierenden weit verbreitet, insbesondere bei Medizinstudierenden, die aufgrund der hohen Anforderungen ihres Studiums eine erhöhte …
Venus: Evolution Through Time
Venus is a scientifically rich target for exploration.The evolution of Venus is, at present, poorly known, despite it being our closest planetary neighbor. This book reviews …
Electrostatic Precipitator Handbook
The reader receives information on electrical gas cleaning systems as they are operated in power plants, steel works, cement works, chemical plants, CHP plants and biomass power …
Die wirtschaftliche Risikoverteilung bei Architektenverträgen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Kostendeckelung
Bauvorhaben ziehen sich in der Regel über einen längeren Zeitraum und sind für den Bauherrn daher meist mit erheblichen wirtschaftlichen Risiken verbunden. Die Arbeit setzt sich …
Medical Response Strategy in Case of Radiation Emergency Caused by the War in Ukraine
This book addresses a potential radiation incident caused by the war in Ukraine, from an interdisciplinary approach of medical, nuclear safety and security, nuclear research, …