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totalt 15 träffar
Jerusalem the Center of the Universe
Jerusalem is the center of the universe, the hub of the three great monotheistic religions, yet how did a city located on the desert fringe, in the semi-arid southern highlands of …
Reading in These Times
In this follow-up to They Were All Together in One Place? (2009) and Reading Biblical Texts Together (2022), biblical scholars from different racial/ethnic minoritized communities …
Nineteenth-Century Women's Movements and the Bible
Nineteenth-Century Women's Movements and the Bible examines politically motivated women's movements in the nineteenth century, including the legal, cultural, and ecclesiastical …
Journal of Biblical Literature 143.2 (2024)
The flagship journal of the field, JBL is a quarterly periodical that promotes critical and academic biblical scholarship.
Los Textos de los Ata?des del Egipto antiguo
In his latest book, Carlos Gracia Zamacona presents a corpus-based comprehensive analysis of the ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts (ca. 2000-1600 BCE). Rather than focusing on highly …
Life of Aesop the Philosopher
The Life of Aesop the Philosopher, an anonymous Greek literary work, presents one version of the novelistic biography of Aesop, which dates to the fourth to fifth century CE. In …
Philo of Alexandria, On Cultivation
This fourth volume of the Philo of Alexandria Commentary Series, originally published by Brill in hardcover, presents the first readable, modern English translation and commentary …
Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions
Journal of Biblical Literature 143.1 (2024)
Ask the Animals
Despite the prevalence of animals in the Bible, most scholars have viewed them merely as metaphors, passive objects, or background embellishment to the human experience. This …
John Chrysostom, Homilies on Titus and Philemon
In her latest volume on John Chrysostom, Pauline Allen translates into English nine homilies on two of Paul's letters. Included in this collection are six homilies on Titus that …
Exploring Sublime Rhetoric in Biblical Literature
In scholarly study of the New Testament and early Christian rhetoric, one key element is often overlooked: the sublime. To address this omission, contributors to this volume …