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totalt 2 552 träffar

Russian Grand Strategy

The Long March
The Afghan National Army (ANA) is critical to the success of the allied efforts in Afghanistan and the ultimate stability of the national government. This monograph assesses the …

Airbase Vulnerability to Conventional Cruise-missile and Ballistic-missile Attacks
As part of a two-year effort to develop an expansive construct of air and space power in the early twenty-first century that capitalizes on forthcoming air and space technologies …

War by Other Means
This book examines how the United States should improve its counterinsurgency (COIN) capabilities through, for example, much greater focus on understanding jihadist strategy, using …

Aligning Roles and Missions for Future Multidomain Warfare
The authors identified disputes among roles, missions, and functions (RMF) that have endured as problems for the U.S. Air Force, factors associated with major RMF changes, and …

Managing Risk in USAF Force Planning
Presents a risk-management process would help senior Air Force leaders to (1) focus planning on the most salient threats, (2) gain greater clarity on the risks associated with …

Developing Metrics and Scoring Procedures to Support Mitigation Grant Program Decisionmaking

NATO's New Strategic Concept and Peripheral Contingencies
On July 15-16, 1999, RAND's Center for Middle East Public Policy and the Geneva Center for Security Policy held a workshop on the likelihood of out-of-area roles for NATO, with …

An Assessment of the Army's Tactical Human Optimization, Rapid Rehabilitation and Reconditioning Program
U.S. Army Special Operations Command asked RAND Arroyo Center to determine whether its Tactical Human Optimization, Rapid Rehabilitation and Reconditioning (THOR3) program is …

How Many Can be Joint?

Army Tactical Wheeled Vehicles

Chinese Political Negotiating Behavior, 1967-1984
An assessment of the patterns and practices in the ways officials of the People's Republic of China (PRC) managed high-level political negotiations with the United States during …