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totalt 11 träffar

The Castoriadis Reader
Cornelius Castoriadis is presently Director of Studies at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris. He is a philosopher, social critic, professional economist, …

The Bauman Reader
The remarkably diverse writings of Zygmunt Bauman range across a large number of issues in sociology, politics, history, and cultural studies. This is the first collection of …

The Raymond Williams Reader
This carefully-structured reader presents a survey of the whole body of Williams' existing work, providing existing readers with a new perspective on his writings, and new readers …

The Certeau Reader
This volume brings together, for the first time, a variety of texts from Certeau's book and journal publications which have proved important in the various disciplines where …

The Bataille Reader
Since the publication in France of his Oeuvres Completes in the mid-1970s, the breadth of Bataille's writing and influence has become increasingly apparent across the disciplines …

The Guattari Reader
This book makes available the broad canvas of Guattari's formidable theoretical and activist writings to provide an indispensable companion to the existing literature.

The Hegel Reader
The Hegel Reader is the most comprehensive collection of Hegel's writings currently available in English.

The Stanley Fish Reader
The Stanley Fish Reader assembles for the first time the best work of this brightest intellectual light.

The Zizek Reader
The Zizek Reader - which includes a Foreword by Zizek and a new, previously unpublished essay on cyberspace - provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the flamboyant …

The Eagleton Reader
This is the first collection of Terry Eagleton's work for the theatre - St Oscar, The White, the Gold and the Gangrene, Disappearances, and God's Locusts.

The Norbert Elias Reader
Norbert Elias (1897-1990) is now recognised as one of the most profound sociological thinkers of the twentieth century, but he gained international recognition only towards the end …