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The Oxford Handbook of Crime Prevention
How can a society prevent-not deter, not punish-but prevent crime? Criminal justice prevention, commonly called crime control, aims to prevent crime after an initial offence has …

The Oxford Handbook of the American Civil War
Every time Union armies invaded Southern territory there were unintended consequences. Military campaigns always affected the local population -- devastating farms and towns, …

The Oxford Handbook of Montaigne
In 1580, Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592) published a book unique by its title and its content: Essays"R. A literary genre was born. At first sight, the Essays resemble a patchwork …

The Oxford Handbook of the International Law of Global Security
Understanding the global security environment and delivering the necessary governance responses is a central challenge of the 21st century. On a global scale, the central …

The Oxford Handbook of Experimental Semantics and Pragmatics
This handbook is the first to explore the growing field of experimental semantics and pragmatics. In the past 20 years, experimental data has become a major source of evidence for …

The Oxford Handbook of Venture Capital
Venture capital (VC) refers to investments provided to early-stage, innovative, and high growth start-up companies. A common characteristic of all venture capital investments is …

The Oxford Handbook of Social and Political Trust
This volume explores the foundations of trust, and whether social and political trust have common roots. Contributions by noted scholars examine how we measure trust, the cultural …

The Oxford Handbook of Entrepreneurship and Collaboration
Organizational collaboration has played an important role in the field of strategic management in recent decades, including influential works on joint ventures, networks, and …

The Oxford Handbook of Inter-Organizational Relations
Inter-Organizational Relations (IOR), the study of Strategic Alliances, Joint Ventures, Partnerships, Networks and other forms of relationship between organizations, is a field of …

The Oxford Handbook of Peaceful Change in International Relations
The discipline of international relations offers much insight into why violent power transitions occur, yet there have been few substantive examinations of why and how peaceful …

The Oxford Handbook of Language Prosody
This handbook presents detailed accounts of current research in all aspects of language prosody, written by leading experts from different disciplines. The last four decades have …

The Oxford Handbook of Laboratory Phonology
This book provides state-of-the-art coverage of research in laboratory phonology, an interdisciplinary research perspective which brings a wide range of experimental and analytic …