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totalt 30 träffar
Fiber Atlas
This atlas presents the information on fiber identification necessary for a fiber analyst in the field of pulp and paper. The book discusses the structure of the raw materials and …
Comparative Wood Anatomy
This book is not concerned directly with wood identification, although ability to recognize the wood features discussed in the preceding chapters is essential for work in wood …
Microbial and Enzymatic Degradation of Wood and Wood Components
The oil crisis during the 1970s turned interest towards the utilization of renewable resources and towards lignocellulosics in particular. The 1970s were also the cradle period of …
Wood-Water Relations
Wood is formed in an essentially water-saturated environment in the living tree, and the cell wall remains in this state until the water flow from the roots is interrupted, such as …
Spiral Grain and Wave Phenomena in Wood Formation
It is widely recognized that spiral grain in trees severely reduces the value of sawn timber through warping and loss of strength, and that it also causes problems for other wood …
Nondestructive Characterization and Imaging of Wood
This book on the Nondestructive Characterization and Imaging of Wood by Professor Voichita Bucur is truly the most outstanding reference on the subject ever written. Since the …
Analytical Methods in Wood Chemistry, Pulping, and Papermaking
In its broadest sense, and according to the traditional conception, wood chemistry is a comprehensive discipline, ranging from fundamental studies to practical applications. The …
Heartwood and Tree Exudates
Why prepare a treatise on Heartwood and Tree Exudates? Why consider both topics together? What approach should be taken in their treatment? The exudates were one of the earliest …
Kiln-Drying of Lumber
At present, no single book adequately covers a basic understanding of wood book satisfies the need for such a work. It describes drying in practice. This the fundamental basis of …
Juvenile Wood in Forest Trees
The trend in forestry is toward shorter rotations and more complete utiliza tion of trees. The reasons are: (1) financial pressures to obtain rapid returns on the forestry …
Vascular Differentiation and Plant Growth Regulators
The vascular tissue of higher plants has been an object of continuous detailed study since the invention of the light microscope. As relevant new physical, chemical and biochemical …
Defense Mechanisms of Woody Plants Against Fungi
For the past decade, it has been apparent to both of us that a reference text covering all aspects of tree defense mechanisms to fungi was missing, needed and long overdue. Such a …