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totalt 105 träffar

Homo floresiensis and Homo neofloresiensis in South India
The Homo floresiensis evolved out of sequential evolution from Homo neanderthalis as an intermediate species between Homo neanderthalis and Homo sapiens. The homo floresiensis …

The Out of India Hypothesis - The Cradle of Human Origins
The Homo neanderthalis evolved to Homo sapiens and homo sapien hybrids - linear evolution by horizontal gene transfer. The homo neanderthalic mutations contributed to homo sapiens …

Percezione quantistica e filosofia indù
Il cervello funziona come un computer quantistico mediato da porfirioni che hanno un'esistenza onda-particella. Questo pu portare alla generazione di tracce elettromagnetiche …

Human - Endosymbiotic Chimeric Tissue Colonies Hybrids
The protozoans like entamoeba with its viral, archaeal & bacterial endosymbionts would have evolved into the multicellular organisms or metazoa. The evidence of such a …

Flying Bat Primates - Internet Generated Disembodied Thought Fields

Interagierende intergalaktische und hirnmagnetotaktische Nanoarchäologische Felder

Die Megavitamintherapie in der Mitochondrienmedizin

Cholestérol - Argile - Cristaux actinidiques et origine de la vie
Le r chauffement climatique r sultant de l'endosymbiose des arch es, de l'oxydation de l'ammoniac, de la m thanog n se, du m tabolisme des nitrates et de l'oxydation du cholest rol …

Melanin and Neanderthals

Colesterolo - Argilla - Cristalli attinici e origine della vita
Il riscaldamento globale conseguente all'endosimbiosi arcaica, all'ossidazione dell'ammoniaca, alla metanogenesi, al metabolismo dei nitrati e all'ossidazione del colesterolo crea …

Endosymbionten und Darmarchaeen als Humanarzneimittel

Gandhi, Asuras, Autism and Indian Freedom Struggle
Mahatma Gandhi was a neanderthalic shudra. Neanderthals belong to an autistic tribe. If you analyse Mahatma Gandhi's behaviour, it had several autistic traits. Gandhi was an …