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totalt 14 träffar

Mänsklighetens framtid : Mot Mars, stjärnorna och evigt liv
Fysikern, futuristen och bästsäljande författaren Michio Kaku utforskar astrofysikens, den artificiella intelligensens och teknologins gränsland och lägger fram en både trolig och …

Kvantovoe prevoskhodstvo: Revoljutsija v vychislenijakh, kotoraja izmenit vsjo
Zakhvatyvajuschee puteshestvie po sledujuschemu velikomu tekhnologicheskomu dostizheniju chelovechestva.Rasskaz o perspektivakh reshenija samykh sereznykh problem chelovechestva, …

The God Equation: The Quest for a Theory of Everything
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - The epic story of the greatest quest in all of science--the holy grail of physics that would explain the creation of the universe--from renowned …

Fizika nevozmozhnogo
Orig.nazvanie Physics of the ImpossibleIzvestnyj fizik Mitio Kaku issleduet kazhuschiesja segodnja nepravdopodobnymi tekhnologii, javlenija ili pribory s tochki zrenija …

Introduction to Superstrings and M-Theory
Superstrings - provocative, controversial, possibly untestable, but unarguably one of the most interesting and active areas of research in current physics. Called by some, "the …

Inimkonna tulevik
Raamat esitleb haarava visiooni sellest, kuidas inimkond võib avakosmosesse rajada elujõulise tsivilisatsiooni. Autor tutvustab uusi arenguid robootika, nano- ja biotehnoloogia …

A noted theoretical physicist offers an understandable and timely explanation of the cutting edge of modern physics, offering insights into research on the tenth dimension, time …

Wettlauf um die Zukunft

Quantum Supremacy: How the Quantum Computer Revolution Will Change Everything
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - An exhilarating tour of humanity's next great technological achievement--quantum computing--which may supercharge artificial intelligence, solve some of …

Die Gottes-Formel

Fizika buduschego
Komu, kak ne uchenym-fizikam, rassuzhdat o tom, chto budet predstavljat soboj mir v 2100 godu? Kak odnim usiliem voli budut upravljatsja kompjutery, kak siloj mysli chelovek …

Parallelnye miry: Ob ustrojstve mirozdanija, vysshikh izmerenijakh i buduschem kosmose
Esli v konechnom itoge nashej Vselennoj suzhdeno pogibnut, sposobny li my peremestitsja v druguju? Etot vopros, zanimajuschij v poslednie desjatiletija umy kosmologov vsego mira, v …