Sökt på: Böcker av michio kaku
totalt 84 träffar
Quantum Supremacy
An exhilarating guide to the astonishing future of quantum computing, from the international bestselling physicistThe runaway success of the microchip processor may be nearing its …
God Equation
'A majestic story' David Bodanis, Financial Times From the international bestselling author of Physics of the Impossible and Physics of the Future This is the story of a quest: …
Mänsklighetens framtid : Mot Mars, stjärnorna och evigt liv
Fysikern, futuristen och bästsäljande författaren Michio Kaku utforskar astrofysikens, den artificiella intelligensens och teknologins gränsland och lägger fram en både trolig och …
God Equation
'A majestic story' David Bodanis, Financial Times From the international bestselling author of Physics of the Impossible and Physics of the FutureThis is the story of a quest: to …
Parallelnye miry: Ob ustrojstve mirozdanija, vysshikh izmerenijakh i buduschem kosmosa
Esli v konechnom itoge nashej Vselennoj suzhdeno pogibnut, sposobny li my peremestitsja v druguju? Etot vopros, zanimajuschij v poslednie desjatiletija umy kosmologov vsego mira, v …
Uravnenie boga
Uravnenie Boga" - eto uvlekatelnyj rasskaz o poiske samoj glavnoj fizicheskoj teorii, sposobnoj objasnit rozhdenie Vselennoj, ee sudbu i nashe mesto v nej. Znamenityj fizik i …
Kvantovoe prevoskhodstvo: Revoljutsija v vychislenijakh, kotoraja izmenit vsjo
Zakhvatyvajuschee puteshestvie po sledujuschemu velikomu tekhnologicheskomu dostizheniju chelovechestva.Rasskaz o perspektivakh reshenija samykh sereznykh problem chelovechestva, …
Future of Humanity
Human civilization is on the verge of spreading beyond Earth. More than a possibility, it is becoming a necessity- whether our hand is forced by climate change and resource …
Already thoroughly familiar to the seasoned science fiction fan, hyperspace is that realm which enables a spaceship captain to take his ship on a physics-defying shortcut (or …
The God Equation: The Quest for a Theory of Everything
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - The epic story of the greatest quest in all of science--the holy grail of physics that would explain the creation of the universe--from renowned …
The God Equation: The Quest for a Theory of Everything
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - The epic story of the greatest quest in all of science--the holy grail of physics that would explain the creation of the universe--from renowned …
The Future of the Mind
Michio Kaku, the international bestselling author of Physics of the Impossible, gives us a stunning and provocative vision of the future of the mindRecording memories, mind …