Sökt på: Böcker av michal kurzynski
totalt 26 träffar
Progress in Image Processing, Pattern Recognition and Communication Systems
This book presents a collection of high-quality research papers accepted to multi-conference consisting of International Conference on Image Processing and Communications (IP&C …
Computer Recognition Systems 4
The computer recognition systems are nowadays one of the most promising directions in artificial intelligence. This book is the most comprehensive study of this field. It contains …
Introduction to Molecular Biophysics
Molecular biophysics is a rapidly growing field of research that plays an important role in elucidating the mysteries of life's molecules and their assemblies, as well as the …
Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems
The two LNAI volumes 6678 and 6679 constitute the proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems, HAIS 2011, held in Wroclaw, Poland, in …
The Thermodynamic Machinery of Life
Thermodynamics was created in the ?rst half of the 19th century as a theory designed to explain the functioning of heat engines converting heat into mechanical work. In the course …
Computer Recognition Systems
th This book contains papers accepted for presentation at the 4 International Conference on Computer Recognition Systems CORES'05, May 22-25, 2005, Rydzyna Castle (Poland), This …
Computer Recognition Systems 3
We performpatternrecognitionallthe time inourdailylives,withoutalways being aware of it. We ?rstly observe the world around us by using all our …
The Thermodynamic Machinery of Life
Thermodynamics was created in the ?rst half of the 19th century as a theory designed to explain the functioning of heat engines converting heat into mechanical work. In the course …
Computer Recognition Systems 4
The computer recognition systems are nowadays one of the most promising directions in artificial intelligence. This book is the most comprehensive study of this field. It contains …
Progress in Image Processing, Pattern Recognition and Communication Systems
This book presents a collection of high-quality research papers accepted to multi-conference consisting of International Conference on Image Processing and Communications (IP&C …
Computer Recognition Systems 3
Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems
The two LNAI volumes 6678 and 6679 constitute the proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems, HAIS 2011, held in Wroclaw, Poland, in …