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totalt 63 träffar
HTML, CSS and JavaScript in easy steps
HTML, CSS & JavaScript in easy steps instructs the reader on each of the three coding languages that are used to create modern web pages: HyperText Markup Language (HTML) tags are …
Linux in Easy Steps
Now in its 7th edition, Linux in easy steps guides the reader through the basics of Linux, including how to install the Linux operating system, explore the desktop, and launch …
Bash in easy steps
The Bourne Again SHell (Bash) is a powerful command-line shell interface that lets you communicate directly with the kernel at the heart of a computer's operating system for total …
PHP & MySQL in easy steps
PHP and MySQL in easy steps, 2nd edition teaches the user to write PHP server-side scripts and how to make MySQL database queries.
SQL in easy steps
SQL (Structured Query Language) is THE standard language used world-wide for database communication on all popular database software. It allows the storage and manipulation of data …
JavaScript in Easy Steps
JavaScript in easy steps, 6th edition instructs the user how to create exciting web pages that employ the power of JavaScript to provide functionality. You need have no previous …
Assembly x64 Programming in easy steps
Assembly x64 Programming in easy steps shows how to write code to create your own computer programs. It contains separate chapters demonstrating how to store and manipulate data in …
CSS3 in easy steps
CSS3 in easy steps instructs the user how to create exciting web pages using Cascading Style Sheets version 3 (CSS3) for presentation and dynamic effect. CSS3 in easy steps begins …
You Bet Your Tomatoes!
Tomatoes are the most popular home garden vegetable crop. Based on Mike McGrath's personal adventures in tomato-growing, "You Bet Your Tomatoes" guides the would-be gardener …
You Bet Your Garden Guide to Growing Great Tomatoes, 2nd Edition
Whether you have a backyard or only a terrace, you bet you can grow beautiful heirloom tomatoes! From the host of NPR's You Bet Your Garden, Mike McGrath will teach you everything …
Flash 5 Made Simple
It demonstrates how features such as animation and audio can be employed to ensure web sites are used to their full potential and therefore helps to create professional products …