Sökt på: Böcker av maurice merleau-ponty
totalt 32 träffar

Varseblivningens fenomenologi
"Varseblivningens fenomenologi" är ett av den fenomenologiska traditionens centrala verk. Maurice Merleau-Ponty utarbetar här ett övergripande perspektiv på det mänskliga …

Phenomenology of Perception
Challenging and rewarding in equal measure, Phenomenology of Perception is Merleau-Ponty's most famous work. Impressive in both scope and imagination, it uses the example of …

The World of Perception
'Painting does not imitate the world, but is a world of its own.'In 1948, Maurice Merleau-Ponty wrote and delivered on French radio a series of seven lectures on the theme of …

Kroppens fenomenologi
Gjennom en rekke fenomenologiske analyser av patologiske forstyrrelser etc. nærmer Merleau-Ponty seg en ny innsikt i subjektets kroppslige væren og den legemligjorte bevissthet og …

Kroppens fænomenologi
"Kroppens fænomenologi" er 2. udgave af første del af 'Perceptionens fænomenologi' med Merleau-Pontys egen vigtige indledning om, hvad fænomenologi egentlig er – en skærpet …

Possibility of Philosophy
The Possibility of Philosophy presents the notes that Maurice Merleau Ponty prepared for three courses he taught at the College de France: "e;The Possibility of Philosophy …

Humanism and Terror
First published in France in 1947, Humanism and Terror is a vital work of political philosophy by one of the leading French philosophers of the twentieth century. Attempting to …

In Reality
Bergson is rightly considered the philosopher of duration. Has this theory, however, been sufficiently elucidated? Is there a domain, aside from life itself, to which the …

The Possibility of Philosophy
The Possibility of Philosophy presents the notes that Maurice Merleau-Ponty prepared for three courses he taught at the CollÈge de France: “The Possibility of Philosophy Today,” …

World of Perception
'Painting does not imitate the world, but is a world of its own.'In 1948, Maurice Merleau-Ponty wrote and delivered on French radio a series of seven lectures on the theme of …