Sökt på: Böcker av joan c. tronto
totalt 10 träffar

Caring Democracy
A rethinking of American democracy that puts caring responsibilities at the center Americans now face a caring deficit: there are simply too many demands on people’s time for us to …

Who Cares?
The 2015 winner of the Brown Democracy Medal, Joan C. Tronto, argues in Who Cares? that we need to rethink American democracy, as well as our own fundamental values and …

Mother Time
This collection of original essays opens up a novel area of inquiry: the distinctively ethical dimension of women's experiences of aging. Fifteen distinguished contributors here …

From Crisis to Catastrophe
The COVID pandemic has shaken the material and social foundations of the world more than any event in recent history and has highlighted and exacerbated a longstanding crisis of …

Qui se'n cuida?
La cura es un pilar essencial de la civilitzacio, pero no dels interessos de la politica. La cura ha quedat menystinguda i relegada a l'ambit privat i en mans de les dones i altres …

Democracia i Cura
Les persones s'enfronten a un deficit de la cura: tenim massa feina, hi ha massa exigencies, no tenim prou temps per poder cuidar adequadament els infants, la gent gran, i a …

Democracia y cuidado
Las personas se enfrentan a un deficit del cuidado: tenemos demasiado trabajo, hay demasiadas exigencias, no tenemos tiempo suficiente para poder cuidar adecuadamente a los ninos, …

Who Cares?
The 2015 winner of the Brown Democracy Medal, Joan C. Tronto, argues in Who Cares? that we need to rethink American democracy, as well as our own fundamental values and …

Socializing Care
Criticism is often levied that care ethics is too narrow in scope and fails to extend to issues of social justice. Socializing Care attempts to dispel that criticism. …

Women Transforming Politics
A wide-ranging collection of voices that redefine the field of women and politics As the largest political constituency in the United States, women present a radical challenge to …