Sökt på: Böcker av harry j. thie
totalt 33 träffar
Factors to Consider in Blending Active and Reserve Manpower Within Military Units
The Department of Defense has suggested that "blending" active component and reserve component workforces in military units must be implemented more broadly for a more flexible, …
Alert and Ready
Framing a Strategic Approach for Joint Officer Management
Revisits joint officer management and frames a strategic approach to further officers' development in joint matters. The Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986 dramatically changed the way …
Developing Military Health Care Leaders
Aft and Fore
Focusing on its ability to meet current and future demands, the Navy recently examined its officer structure and asked RAND to analyze changes in authorizations and inventory, to …
New Paths to Success
Are there feasible alternatives to the present "up-or-out" policy for U.S. military officers? Most military officers are subject to a policy known as "0up-or-out," which requires …
Information Systems Technician Rating Stakeholders
The relationships among stakeholders involved in manpower, personnel, and training processes for managing the U.S. Navy information systems technician rating are discussed. The …
Framing a Strategic Approach for Reserve Component Joint Officer Management
Outlines a strategic approach to reserve joint officer management that addresses the requirements for, and the supply of, joint officers and also accounts for the unique …
Alignment of Department of Defense Manpower, Resources, and Personnel Systems
An analysis of whether the Department of Defense manpower, resources, and personnel systems are aligned to provide the personnel inventory necessary to meet changing military …
abandoned duplicate ISBNs 3-3-23
This book is a volume in the Penn Press Anniversary Collection. To mark its 125th anniversary in 2015, the University of Pennsylvania Press rereleased more than 1,100 titles from …
Expanding Enlisted Lateral Entry
Can the U.S. military better meet its personnel needs by allowing more recruits to enter laterally into military service from civilian life? The U.S. military constantly evaluates …
Who is "Joint"?
The Department of Defense has an identified need to update the practice, policy, and law applied to Joint Officer Management and Joint Professional Military Education. As a lead-in …