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totalt 13 träffar
Machine Learning For Beginners'
Thermoelectric Devices
Diagnostic Dilemma In Endodontic Imaging
Metallic corrosion inhibition by organic molecules
Affect of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Human "An Auto Immune Disease"
High Volume Propagation of D.brandisii kurz using nodal segments
Assessing National Provident Funds in Sri Lanka
Chondrogenic Stem Cells Isolation from Dental Pulp
Stem cells develop into any type of cells to form the different types of tissue in the human body. They are characterized in the ability of self-renewal, development, growth and …
Alzheimer a Brain Disorder Disease in "Human"
Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia. It is a progressive disease beginning with mild memory loss and possibly leading to loss of the ability to carry on a …
Domestic waste water as nutrient source for Hydroponic system
Hydroponics is one of the emerging technologies used commercially for past 3 decades and it is one of the most important methods of soilless culture. Hydroponics system of growing …
Phytochemical and Antioxidant activities of Remusatia vivipara
Invitro Anticancer Activity and Cosmetic Potential of Fish Collagen
As a result, when quantification was done, the collagen extracted from Tilapia exhibited a high concentration of protein. In order to be identified as collagen, it displayed the …