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totalt 4 träffar
The Influenza Pandemic of 1918-1919
In late January 1918, Dr. Loren Miner, a country physician in rural Kansas, saw the first cases of an influenza of a violent nature. With a warning to the U.S. Public Health …
Jerry Yang
Growing up in Taipei, Taiwan, Jerry Yang was a bright child who always asked the question 'Why?' When he was 10 years old, his widowed mother, a university professor, moved the …
Suicide Squad by John Ostrander Omnibus Vol. 1
Discover the definitive and explosive introduction to the modern version of the Suicide Squad by comics legend John Ostrander. When new threats emerge deemed too dangerous for the …
The Alaska Highway
In early 1942, the first of more than 18,000 U.S. military and civilian workers and countless tons of equipment were shipped across Canada and Alaska to one of the most …