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totalt 6 träffar
Bible Bluff
The Da Vinci Code tells us that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were a couple and had children together. Is that really correct? Did Jesus die on the cross or did he not? What about the …
Mission Space
Mariana's well-received book, Agartha - The Earth's Inner World, had just been released (2010) when she had a visitation from her cosmic friend and source of inspiration, Jan …
Agartha, Die Welt im Inneren der Erde
Eines Tages klopfte ein junger Mann, Timothy Brooke, an Mariana Stjernas innere Tür und der Roman „Agartha" war geboren. Wie im Buch beschrieben wurde Timothy von Agarthern nach …
Invisible People
In this fascinating novel you find that invisible beings, Nature spirits, of the most various kinds exist in Nature, and that every one of them has a special task. Unfortunately, …
Time Journey to the Origin and the Future
Time Journey to the Origin and the Future is the independent sequel to Mariana Stjerna's well received novel On Angels' Wings. While the former book is about what happens to us …