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totalt 5 träffar

War and Literature
Considerations of writing about war, in war, because of war, and against war, in a wide range of texts from the middle ages onwards. War was the first subject of literature; at …

Studies in Medievalism XXIX
Essays on the post-modern reception and interpretation of the Middle Ages, To attract followers many professional politicians, as well as other political actors, ground their …

Heroes and Anti-Heroes in Medieval Romance
Investigations into the heroic - or not - behaviour of the protagonists of medieval romance. Medieval romances so insistently celebrate the triumphs of heroes and the discomfiture …

The Middle Ages after the Middle Ages in the English-Speaking World
Studies of the influence of the middle ages on aspects of European and American life and culture from 16c to the present day. The eleven essays in this volume are studies of …

Medieval and Early Modern Religious Cultures
New approaches to religious texts from the Middle Ages, highlighting their diversity and sophistication. From the great age of pastoral expansion in the thirteenth century, to the …