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totalt 13 träffar
The Psalmist
Luke Bowers is in the good and evil business.On a cold, late-winter morning in the Chesapeake Bay community of Tidewater County, Bowers discovers a dead woman seated in a pew at …
Erityistä pahuutta
Kylmänä talviaamuna pastori Luke Bowers löytää naisen istumassa hoitamansa kirkon penkiltä. Naisen silmät ovat auki ja hänen kätensä ovat ristissä aivan kuin hän rukoilisi. Mutta …
The Tempest
James Lilliefors's unlikely detective duo, Pastor Luke Bowers and homicide investigator Amy Hunter, return in a new murder mystery set in Maryland's picturesque Tidewater County …
En spesiell type ondskap
En spesiell type ondskap En kald vintermorgen ser Luke Bowers en kvinne på bakerste benk i kirken der han er prest. Øynene hennes er åpne, hendene er foldet som i bønn. Og hun …
Pastor Luke Bowers förstår direkt att Susan Champlain inte är som de andra turisterna i Tidewater County. Hon söker upp honom och berättar att hennes man har hotat henne till livet …
Highway 50
The author recounts his experiences traveling along Route 50 from Maryland west to California, and describes the people he met along the route
The Leviathan Effect
Homeland Security Secretary Catherine Blaine receives a frightening communication from a hacker identified only by the pseudonym Janus. The message is the latest in a series …