Sökt på: Böcker av Yeonmi Park
totalt 13 träffar

Medan tid ännu är : en nordkoreansk avhoppares sökande efter frihet i Amerika
Som 13-åring flydde Yeonmi Park från Nordkorea till Kina tillsammans med sin mor. De flydde svår svält och en ledning som än idag håller miljontals invånare fångna i sitt eget …

In Order to Live
'I am most grateful for two things: that I was born in North Korea, and that I escaped from North Korea.'Yeonmi Park was not dreaming of freedom when she escaped from North Korea. …

In Order to Live: A North Korean Girl's Journey to Freedom
"I am most grateful for two things: that I was born in North Korea, and that I escaped from North Korea." - Yeonmi Park "One of the most harrowing stories I have ever heard - and …

While Time Remains: A North Korean Defector's Search for Freedom in America
NATIONAL BESTSELLER The North Korean defector, human rights advocate, and bestselling author of In Order to Live sounds the alarm on the culture wars, identity politics, and …

In Order to Live: A North Korean Girl's Journey to Freedom
"I am most grateful for two things: that I was born in North Korea, and that I escaped from North Korea." - Yeonmi Park "One of the most harrowing stories I have ever heard - and …

While Time Remains: A North Korean Defector's Search for Freedom in America

While Time Remains
NATIONAL BESTSELLER The North Korean defector, human rights advocate, and bestselling author of In Order to Live sounds the alarm on the culture wars, identity politics, and …

In Order to Live
'I am most grateful for two things: that I was born in North Korea, and that I escaped from North Korea.'Yeonmi Park was not dreaming of freedom when she escaped from North Korea. …

Meine Flucht aus Nordkorea

Með lífið að veði (isländska)
In Order To Live på isländska. Översättning: Elín Guðmundsdóttir

Drumul catre libertate: autobiografia unei refugiate din Coreea de Nord
Yeonmi Park a crescut crezând ca e normal sa vada cadavre în drum spre ?coala ?i sa fie atât de flamânda, încât sa manânce plante salbatice. A fost înva?ata sa nu-?i exprime …