Sökt på: Böcker av Wendy Brown
totalt 141 träffar

Lonely Planet South America
Lonely Planet’s South America is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Walk Patagonian glaciers, …

In the Ruins of Neoliberalism
Across the West, hard-right leaders are surging to power on platforms of ethno-economic nationalism, Christianity, and traditional family values. Is this phenomenon the end of …

Vad innebär det att vara demokrat?
Finns det någon mening med att kalla sig "demokrat" i en samtid där praktiskt taget alla kallar sig demokrater? Kan ett begrepp som tycks kunna betyda både allt och inget …

Mutant Neoliberalism
Tales of neoliberalism’s death are serially overstated. Following the financial crisis of 2008, neoliberalism was proclaimed a “zombie,” a disgraced ideology that staggered on like …

Undoing the Demos
Tracing neoliberalism's devastating erosions of democratic principles, practices, and cultures. Neoliberal rationality-ubiquitous today in statecraft and the workplace, in …

Without Guarantees
Stuart Hall's retirement from the Open University in 1997 provided a unique opportunity to reflect on an academic career which has had the most profound impact on scholarship and …

Inhägnade stater, avtagande suveränitet
Vi lever i en tid som sägs vara präglad av fria flöden, allt öppnare gränser och en allt tätare sammanbunden värld. Hur kommer det sig då att vi samtidigt ser en explosionsartad …

Att vinna framtiden åter
Har dagens feministiska och vänsterprogressiva rörelser förlorat förmågan att föreställa sig en framtid bortom kapitalismens och könets principer? Hur kan radikala politiska …

The Hatata Inquiries
The Hatata Inquiries are two extraordinary texts of African philosophy composed in Ethiopia in the 1600s. Written in the ancient African language of Ge?ez (Classical Ethiopic), …

Nihilistic Times
One of America’s leading political theorists analyzes the nihilism degrading—and confounding—political and academic life today. Through readings of Max Weber’s Vocation Lectures, …

Undoing the Demos
Neoliberal rationality - ubiquitous today in statecraft and the workplace, in jurisprudence, education, and culture - remakes everything and everyone in the image of homo …