Sökt på: Böcker av V. V. Dubin
totalt 10 träffar

La Suède et la Russie : Documents et matériaux 1809-1818

Brief History of Radio Astronomy in the USSR
This translation of A Brief History of Radio Astronomy in the USSR makes descriptions of the antennas and instrumentation used in the USSR, the astronomical discoveries, as well as …

Mathematical Models And Methods Of Localized Interaction Theory
The interaction of the environment with a moving body is called "e;localized"e; if it has been found or assumed that the force or/and thermal influence of the environment …

Merzlotovedenie. Uchebnoe posobie dlja vuzov, 3-e izd., ster.
V pervoj chasti uchebnogo posobija v szhatoj forme izlozheny sovremennye predstavlenija o formirovanii, rasprostranenii, sostave i svojstvakh merzlykh gruntov, kriogennykh …

Vsjo v proshlom. Teorija i praktika publichnoj istorii
Proshloe, kak izvestno, izuchajut istoriki. A tem, kakuju rol proshloe igraet v nastojaschem, zanimaetsja publichnaja istorija - molodaja nauchnaja distsiplina, burno …

Virginia Woolf and Her Influences
Virginia Woolf and Her Influences presents papers from the Seventh Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf at Plymouth State College in New Hampshire June 12-15, 1997. These papers …

Tests on Russian as a foreign language. Level A1
* Basic Level (TBL/A1).Successful performance in the Preliminary Test represents a standard competence in Russian which enables a candidate to satisfy basic communicative needs in …

Merzlotovedenie. Uchebnoe posobie
V pervoj chasti uchebnogo posobija v szhatoj forme izlozheny sovremennye predstavlenija o formirovanii, rasprostranenii, sostave i svojstvakh merzlykh gruntov, kriogennykh …

Pocket Guide to Inflammatory Bowel Disease
This easy to read, easy to use pocket guide has been written with the busy health care provider in mind. Patients with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis - collectively known …

A Brief History of Radio Astronomy in the USSR
This translation of A Brief History of Radio Astronomy in the USSR makes descriptions of the antennas and instrumentation used in the USSR, the astronomical discoveries, as well as …