Sökt på: Böcker av Umavathi S.
totalt 99 träffar
Le manuel pratique de zoologie alliée - invertébrés et chordés
Zielone rolnictwo
Impatto del riscaldamento globale sulle malattie trasmesse da vettori
La conferenza si concentrata sullo scenario recente: il riscaldamento globale la causa principale del problema. Si prevede che i cambiamenti climatici globali avranno un …
The practical manual
The purpose of this book is to give students of zoology a concise account of the kind of practical study of bio statistics and computer applications, biochemistry, biophysics, …
Tecniche di laboratorio medico
L'agriculture verte
Vermikultur und Vermikompost
F r Bachelor-Studenten ist dieses Buch eine wertvolle Ressource, die ber die traditionellen Lehrb cher hinausgeht. Es bietet Einblicke und praktisches Wissen zum Thema …
Practical Manual on Environmental Biology and Evolution
This practical manual illustrates about Environmental biology related to Evolution based on Periyar University Practical-IV, M.Sc. syllabus. Accordingly this book consists of clear …
Metodologia de investigação
A metodologia de investiga o um aspeto fundamental de qualquer investiga o cient fica. Fornece uma abordagem sistem tica e estruturada para a realiza o da investiga o, …
Plant Mutagenesis
This book comprises a collection of chapters on Mutation breeding approaches for the enhancement of crop growth in terms of productivity. The book looks at ways to establish long …